These are set and enforced by the moderators.
Under 18s are not permitted to sign up to this instance.
Media or content involving real or realistic people under 18 (even if legal) is prohibited. NSFW artwork depicting characters wearing diapers is allowed on this website, but only if it is not intended to sexualize infantilism or children. Artwork deemed inappropriate or offensive will be removed.
Posting, boosting or linking to any content that is illegal in the Finland, Netherlands or Germany is prohibited.
Discrimination of any kind is prohibited – this includes but is not limited to racism, xenophobia, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc.
Content that you do not have permission to post is prohibited.
Spam and / or bots are prohibited.
Media showing nudity, bodily fluids or messy diapers must be marked as sensitive.
All profile pictures and headers must be SFW (safe for work).